Dreams & Astral Travel

Astral Realm: The Physics of God

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CJ Liu interviews Joseph Selbie, a founding member of the Ananda Center and author of “The Physics of God”. Joseph shares what scientists say about God, the astral realm, heaven, soul, ego, and the spirit. What is the end goal of meditation? What is the astral realm? How do we reach it? Beyond a work out, what is the purpose of yoga? Why meditation is more about expanding our awareness to recognizing more wholeness, love, peace on this earth?

Astral Realm: YouTube Interview with Joseph Selbie

About Joseph Selbie

Selbie makes the complex and obscure simple and clear. A dedicated meditator for over forty years, he has taught yoga and meditation throughout the US and Europe. He is an avid follower of the unfolding new paradigm of science and is known for creating bridges of understanding between the modern evidenced-based discoveries of science and the ancient experience-based discoveries of the mystics.

The Physics of God presents a clear and much needed paradigm that unites, rather than divides, science and religion, drawing on both the findings of science and the transcendent experiences of saints, sages, and near-death experiencers. Clear, practical and inspirational, his books and presentations speak to our untapped energetic, mental, and spiritual potentials.

Selbie maintains several blogs, including Physics and God and Intersections, which explores how spirituality connects with culture and science. With David Steinmetz, he also co-authored, The Yugas, a factual look at India’s tradition of cyclical history, and wrote a sci/fi fantasy series, The Protectors Diaries, inspired by the abilities of mystics.