Buddhism & Taoism

Dealing with major life transitions (Lama Surya Das)

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life transitionsLearn to treasure and savor moments in life even the hard ones.  Pain is inevitable in life, suffering is optional.  Lama Surya Das offers ideas from his book “Buddha Standard Time” so you can learn how to suffer less even during the most difficult life transitions (divorce, loss of loved one, job loss, change in health, etc) when time seems to slow down and anxiety & sadness abounds. The art of flowing through life and seeing it’s perfection as it unfolds is a great gift.  Learn how to gain perspective and insight and move through these periods with more peace, authentic presence, openness & clarity.

Show Highlights:

  • Part 1 (12 min): Moving through major transitions in life – Lama Surya Das offers 7 steps we can go through when our grief overwhelms us?
  • Part 2 (12 min): Controlling and planning during life transitions- Our tendency during transition periods (“bardo” in Tibetan) is to rush or prolong the state of the unknown.   How do we keep a “don’t know” mindset- why should we?  How do we plan and be present to what is unfolding before us?
  • Part 3 (12 min): Purifying our Perceptions-  We’ll talk about the Diamond Path or Tibetan Buddhism and the Fiver Auspicious Perfections so that you can open up to the infinite potential inherent in each moment
  • Part 4 (8 min): Ask the Lama- Gotta a question you always wanted to ask a Lama? Call us at            (800)930-2819

About our Guest:


Lama Surya Das, who the Dalai Lama affectionately calls the American Lama, has spent forty years studying with the great spiritual masters of Asia. He is an authorized lama in the Tibetan Buddhist order, and the founder of the Dzogchen Center. Surya Das is the author of the international bestseller Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World and twelve other books, including his latest release, Buddha Standard Time: Awakening to the Infinite Possibilities of Now. His blog “Ask The Lama” can be found at www.askthelama.com. To see Surya’s lecture and retreat schedule please visit www.surya.org.
