Compassion and Confidence

Youth Violence – A different approach (Eleuthera Lisch)

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Youth violence prevention leader Eleuthera Lisch talks about Dr. Joseph E. Marshall, Jr’s Alive and Free program in the YMCA of Greater Seattle.  Join us as Eleuthera shares her 13 years of experience working with gang members and helps us gain a better awareness and understanding of what makes all of us susceptible to catching the disease of violence.  While most of us can feel compassion and empathy for victims of violence, we’ll discuss how we can tune into these emotions for the perpetrators?

Segment 1 (8 min)

Segment 2 (6 min)

Ted X Video


About our Guest

Eleuthera Lisch, Director and Trainer -Director of the Alive and Free Outreach Network, Eleuthera Lisch had been with the YMCA of Greater Seattle for 13 years, developing and implementing youth violence prevention and gang intervention programs. Her 18 year work with high risk and offender youth intersects the worlds of education, judiciary, law enforcement and rehabilitation. A sought-after public speaker and trainer, she has consulted on similar programs in Los Angeles, Baltimore, New Zealand and South Africa.