Death & Beyond

COVID-19 Effect on Hospice

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CJ Liu interviews Christopher Kerr, MD, Phd about his book, “Death is but a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End.” Dr. Kerr is the CEO and chief medical officer at Hospice Buffalo. Dr. Kerr shares what is happening to patients, their loved ones, and healthcare workers during the Covid-19 crises.

Christopher describes the COVID-19 deaths as “acute” deaths. Acute deaths happen when death is imminent with little transition times. Dr. Kerr explains that this happens with 10% of all deaths. CJ describes her dad dying of a heart attack as an example of an acute death, and shares her hardship and its impact on the bereaved. Dr. Kerr explains while acute death are is harder on the loved ones, it’s often preferred by the patients who want a quick painless death. No one wants their loved ones to suffer a long prolonged death, and this is one of the silver linings of an acute death.

Dr. Kerr shares how the fear of death from Covid-19 has brought out both the worst and the best in human consciousness. While there are some who suffer paranoia and heightened anxiety, others use this crises to contribute even more.

COVID-19 Effect on Hospice: YouTube Video

More on Christopher Kerr, MD, Phd

Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, is the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer for Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Chris earned his MD and PhD in Neurobiology. Alongside direct patient care, Chris’s focus is in the areas of leadership and patient advocacy.

To purchase Dr. Kerr’s book, click here.

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