
Spiritual Science

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CJ Liu interviews Steve Taylor on his book “Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World”. Steve argues for a spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion and attempts to answer many of the riddles neither one can explain. Taylor, a professor of psychology, has been described by Erkhart Tolle as making an important contribution to the shift in consciousness. He makes some fascinating claims in this new book – in particular that our consciousness is not generated by the brain and that mental phenomena cannot be reduced to just neurological activity.

Spiritual Science: YouTube Video

More on Steve Taylor

Steve Taylor, Ph.D, born 1967, is a British author and lecturer in psychology who has written several books on psychology and spirituality. He is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. Taylor’s main interest is in transpersonal psychology, which investigates higher states of consciousness and ‘awakening’ experiences.

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